

Midwifery Approved Programs of study for general registration  

254111 助產護理師


Provides care and advice to women during pregnancy, labour and childbirth, and postnatal care for women and babies in a range of settings such as the home, community, hospitals, clinics and health units. Registration or licensing is required. 

254111 助產護理師職位別名

  • 254111 認證助產護理師 Certified Midwife
  • 254111 註冊助產護理師 Registered Midwife
  • 254111 社區助產護理師 Community Midwife
  • 254111 助產護理師從業者 Midwife Practitioner 

助產護理師技術等級: ANZSCO Skill Level 1 


  • ANMAC -澳大利亞的護理及助產學認可委員會 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council :
  • A類雅思總分不低於7~2年內有效期
  • 至少3年全日制學士學歷.

Tasks Include:

  • providing advice and support during pre-conception, intrapartum, antenatal and postnatal periods in partnership with women
  • providing care and management of pregnancy and birth
  • assessing progress and recognising warning signs of abnormal and potentially abnormal pregnancies requiring referral to an Obstetrician
  • monitoring the condition of women and foetuses during pregnancy and throughout labour
  • conducting health education classes and seminars to promote the health of mothers and babies such as reproductive health, antenatal education, preparation for parenthood and breastfeeding
  • providing advice on nutrition, childcare and family planning



Level 5, HSBC Center No. 580
George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 02 9286-3799

台北分公司 (近台北車站)
預約專線:02 2331-2362
諮詢專線:02 2370-2669

台中分公司 (近進化路麥當勞)
預約專線:04 2230-9819
諮詢專線:04 2230-9801


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